Here are 3 completely free themed routes through our Blippit Boards help articles. For more help, if you can't find what you need, try 'search' or email Support.
Frameworks and School Awards included with Blippit Boards
The highly valued and popular Eco-Schools, Global Neighbours from Christian Aid and (new for Sept 2024) the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award can all be tagged free with Blippit Boards as part of the subscription.
If you're a browser, then this alphabetical list of articles might suit you.
Sometimes a network adjustment is needed if you can't connect through school wifi
Voice-to-text in Blippit Boards speeds up the creation of boards, in partlcular the adding of a description.
Ideal for adding sound to a board like student voice, a song or speech.
Add photos from your device or use the built-in camera feature of the Blippit Boards app
Blippit uses accessible colour schemes in the dashboard charts
Ways to make sure the Blippit Dashboard is showing you what you need
Tag, report, understand and report on your Eco-Schools Green Flag evidence using Blippit Boards
Tag Filtering with Blippit Boards is a quick way to locate subjects or frameworks in the app as added by people at your school.
A brief walk-through of the steps from registration to using Blippit Boards.
Use Blippit Boards to tag, monitor, understand and report on your school's activities that contribute to Global Neighbours
Hide or show specific Blippit Boards tag categories
See how to hide the tag categories for England or Wales depending on which country you are in.
Blippit Boards comes with a dashboard for your school as well as the app. Log in to it at to see the fruits of everybody's self-evaluation and monitoring activity.
Reports and how to create them in Blippit Boards
Built-in simplified tagging for subjects and frameworks like SIAMS. Custom tags can be added too.
Tagging by the subject is essential in Blippit Boards
What devices can you use the Blippit Boards app and Dashboard on?
Gather in, manage, monitor and report on the UNICEF UK's Rights Respecting Award at your school as part of the whole curriculum
Viewing data in specfic data ranges in the Blippit Boards Dashboard